Young People Involved In Politics

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In just 13 years of education you see a lot of growth. You see it within yourself as you watch your features change. You watch your body and mind grow alongside each other. You watch your friends change from being inseparable to being strangers with memories. The people you once ignored became your best friends. You are becoming the person you are destined to be. It is a shift that we all go through. Within this transition from middle school to high school you see various changes. There was this inner conflict with myself, and outer conflict with my friends, my parents, school, getting a job and taxes! All of this unnecessary stress dwelling in my own life that would not stop. There I did not see how electing an orange as president would make …show more content…

It discussed how teens begin to show interest in the world around them, causing them to take an initiative to want to change their community and how it functions a few different ways at a time. In the article How to get more young people involved in politics, Hanley states: “If only young people in this country knew and cared half as much about politics as they do fantasy football, we’d be twice the democracy that we are today. In a true democracy, we’d demand more qualified candidates. We’d demand more substantive debates. But most importantly, we’d demand a political process that works for all of the people, and not just a handful of billionaires.” (Huffington post)Hanley)
This demonstrates how not only should young people be aware, but also realize that the rules aren’t just for the people with power or money but also the ones who have gone through the struggles. That it benefits the rich, but they can also learn that it helps out even the people going through a struggle not only the rich which is contrary to popular belief. These minimized tiny details are more than often overlooked and seen as a waste of time, and sometimes even resources. But they do truly impact each and every one of us. Whether it is in a positive or negative way. Many see the political world as only for the rich and powerful and it is not always like that. How can a change be made if no one is willing to speak out? Yes, many times the poorer communities do not always have the money or resources to get a broader audience to hear them, but those who try will

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