
The Influence Of Gun Control In America

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Today's generation, guns have been a huge threat to Americans, and America answers by gun control. From well-known shootings such Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting and Colorado movie theater shooting, we as Americans are no longer safe at school, movie theater, and pretty much everywhere else. Our joie de vivre is terrorized by people who own guns such as gun buyers, criminals, and rednecks. These are the same people who say that we should not limit gun control and everyone should have a gun, they are not entirely wrong. Well, guns don't kill people,people do, there's a whole lot of evidence proving the statement.
Gun control is the regulation of selling, possession, and the use of guns, which the discussion of it is a big deal in the United …show more content…

There are lots of reasons but here are the top ones that are absurd, which are mass shootings, guns are not safe, criminals purchases guns, and pop culture influences. It seems in this generation there are a greatly significant amount of crimes that involves guns whether it stealing an iPhone, robbing a bank old fashioned, or mafia-style murder. Others believe gun stores that are open 24/7 is the cause of gun control because criminals buy their guns from gun stores. Not all criminals buy their guns at gun stores, they have the option of ordering a gun online, the black market, or going old-school with a melee weapon such as baseball bat.Mass shootings are started by a person or a group of people, guns can not walk and be fired randomly at people. From cartoons,tv shows, and video games, we see people with guns killing other people, but if we just took away the gun, they will just kill people with other weapons. Games such as Call of Duty and Halo teaches children to kill and shoot aliens, zombies, terrorists, villains,etc. This skill will come in handy if the zombie apocalypse were real or in a situation to protect …show more content…

If next time there is a shooting at a school, teachers and faculties members will be armed with guns to protect the student. Someone is threatening you with a gun, pull a gun on them to make them think twice. Give guns to the poor and disadvantaged so they can either rob for a greater cause or sell their gun for the money. People of America will be safe knowing there's a gun under their pillows and armed in the streets if there was an attack. Adding more gun laws will make guns sound unappealing that no one will buy guns ever again. Another solution that is helpful is to make more guns because America gets more money and unemployment rates go down. I believe the best option is to do what they did in "The Purge", have one day where crime is free so not more gun control and

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