Assignment 1: The Domain Name System

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1. The Slide commands a capital “I” for THE Internet because the Internet and an internet are two separate things. An internet refers to an internetwork, and the Internet is a massive network of the whole set of interconnected computer networks. There are many internets but only one Internet. Thus the Internet is referred to as a proper noun and an internet is referred to as a common noun. This is what arises to the capitalisation.

2. The Internet is a giant network consisting of many internetworks and connects millions of computers together from all around the world. The World Wide Web is a way of accessing information using the Internet. It refers to a web of information connected through links, known as hyperlinks.

3. a) A web crawler …show more content…

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a central part of the Internet providing a way to match the website you are seeking to the address of the website. Any device connected to the Internet has and Internet Protocol (IP) address. DNS essentially joins up domain names and IP addresses. This enables users to use domain names whereas the computer uses IP addresses. When a domain is entered into a browser, the browser sends a query over the Internet to find the website of the domain. The query essentially is a question seeking to match the domain with its IP address. The first server that the query interacts with is the recursive resolver. This server knows which other DNS servers to ask to find the IP address of the domain. The first DNS server reached by the recursive resolver is the root server . These root servers run all over the world and knows information about top level domains (a top level domain is one of the highest domains in th DNS system – these include: .com, .org, etc.). The resolver asks the root server for DNS information about the specific top level domain. The query then moves to that Top Level Domain (TLD) DNS name server. This server stores the address information of second level domains within the top level domain. For example: it will storethe second level domain, “”, under the top level domain, “.com”. When the query reaches the TDL server, the server answers with the IP address of the domain’s name server. Next, the recursive resolver sends the query to the domain’s name server. The DNS knows the IP address for the full domain and that answer is returned to the recursive resolver. Now that the IP address is known,the recursive resolver informs the browser. The browser then sends a request to the website to retrieve the website’s content, using the IP address. This content then appears on the users screen. All these processes happen in a very short amount of

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