The Khadi Movement In India

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Cotton, wool or silk fibres are turned into yarn by hand spinning and the weaving of the same yarn is done on handloom thus the fabric is known as Khadi. The hand spinning and hand weaving is the age old technologies practised in India for producing exclusive fabrics. The term Khadi was given to these fabrics by Mahatma Gandhi during freedom movement. In 18th century the inventions of steam engines, spinning machines and power loom brought revolution in cotton textile industry. These developments coupled with British power in India. It changed the entire scenario of cotton hand spinning and hand weaving in India. In 1771, the first cotton textile mill was established in England. After that the story of transformation of India began from the biggest producer and exporter of hand spinning and hand weaving to only …show more content…

It promoted Indian good so that India’s economy would improve. Thus the Swadeshi movement started, the weaving of khadi was promoted and dumping of foreign goods was prohibited. The struggle period of India started around and use of khadi was promoted. Mahatma Gandhi started wearing dhoti when others asked him about the costliness of khadi. The khadi was more than a simple cloth; it was an ideology to protest against Britishers. It was not only for freedom from core colonialism, but also economic self-sufficiency. It also represented the political independence, moral purity, national integrity, social equality and clasp of non-violence. The new weapon of Mahatma Gandhi in the fight for Swaraj was spinning wheel. Indians used to spun yarn, weave their cloth and wore themselves for Independence. Revival of khadi started at the same time, many craftsman of general society built notion of self-sufficient village

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