
The Mako Shark: The Fastest Shark In The Ocean

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The Mako shark is a shark that can swim about 60 mph,So if you encounter one there's no outrunning it.The Mako shark is the fastest shark in the ocean. In this essay I will provide information on the Mako shark. I will provide info on what makes it special,where it lives,what it eats. First,What makes the mako shark so special The Mako shark is the fastest shark in the ocean because of its long tail and thin body. Interesting fact,the long finned mako shark’s tail is longer than its body. It swims from the bottom up to attack. It swims from the bottom up to get force and it will stun the prey and the shark can eat it without it fighting back. The mako can jump up to 30 feet out of the water. Its tail is the shape of a half moon. Clearly,The Mako shark is special because if its speed. …show more content…

The mako shark lives around the equator. They live there because that's where it's warmest and the water is not going to be frozen in winter or slush like water,so they can swim fast. They also get the most food there because when it gets cold up north swim might swim south to get to a warmer habitat. For sure,That’s where the mako shark lives. Last,What does the mako shark eat. The Mako shark mostly eats squid,Blue sharks,Dolphins,mackerel,ETC.The mako is very picky,They mostly like eating Tuna and Billfish. They Mostly Eat what seems good to them. They prefer alive animals than dead ones.Indeed,That’s what the Mako shark eats.
In conclusion. In this essay I provided information on the Mako shark. I provided info on what makes it special,where it lives,what it eats. This essay provided many details on the Mako shark. That is not all of the details. We covered where they live,What makes it a special animal and what it

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