My Most Memorable Moment Essay

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10 One of the most memorable moment was the camp trip in 4th grade. The journey was very long, but it was fun. We were singing songs, and doing funny things. For about 3 hours later we get to Alajuela, there was the place in which the camp was going to be. It was a huge place! It really looked green and beautiful. When we went down, the staff told us an explanation with all the rules of the camp. Then we went to our rooms. We had to change our clothes in just 10 minutes, and go to the gym. When I was going to the gym, I heard the harmonious song of the birds singing. At the gym were the people from the staff waiting for us to come. When all the people was ready we played some games, it was really fun. We played with the rope, with skateboards, …show more content…

When I grow up I want to be an architect. The architects design oversees and plan the construction of a building. They see the place in which the building will be and talk with the person about what do she/he wants to build. With that information the make plans and sometimes models of the building. I like that career because I love drawing. Actually when I was younger I drew some houses in paper. I made houses from little sticks, or with the Jenga small bricks. I made craft houses and hotels. I like that career too because is a job that I like, and I think that is important that you like what you are doing, because that will be the thing that you will do for the rest of your life. I like it too because I will have my own work in which maybe I won’t have to obey any chief rules. But I also like the graphic design. A graphic designer is the one who joins images, typography, or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer creates the graphics to be published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising. I think that both of the careers are like joined in some things. In both careers you have to design things. You have to make artistic things. So I think I could be both a graphic designer and an

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