The Negative Effects Of Drug Abuse

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Introduction: Drug abuse is a serious aspect of our modern world in the last century. Music and media constantly propagated drug abuse until it pervaded all communities throughout the world. According to United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, 4.8% of the world population aged 15 to 64 consume illicit drugs. Drug abuse has become a public health concern because it affects the drug abuser's health, social life, and economy.

Medilexicon's Medical Dictionary defines drug abuse as "A habitual use of drugs not needed for therapeutic purposes, solely to alter one's mood, affect, or state of consciousness, or to affect a body function unnecessarily." Drug abusers take drugs as a solution for various problems such as boredom, escapism …show more content…

The respiratory system is constantly exposed to these drugs and is affected by them, either directly or indirectly, on a temporary or permanent basis. Perhaps the most common respiratory disorders among illicit drug abusers are lung abscess and bullous pulmonary damages. Drug abuse has many negative effects on the neurological system such as seizures and strokes. Although illicit drugs make the abusers feel relaxed and reduce the pain, on the long-term usage it makes the nervous system dysfunctional. Mayoclinic defines drug abuse as "A pattered of dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication in which the users consume the drug in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others." Drug abuse and addiction is a serious problem that affects the abusers' social life. Drug abusers may be antisocial because of lack of energy and enthusiasm for live. In addition, the abusers become moody and aggressive, which make them avoided by the social circle around them. Drug abusers may encounter many …show more content…

The drugs able to do that, but it is for very short time. After that, a person wakes up in his real life. He finds there is no any changes have been made. Second, when a person takes over dosage of drugs, he becomes psychologically addicted. In this stage of addiction, a person has an intense urge to for the drug. Also, this stage is characterized by the start of physical, behavioral, and psychological signs of drug abuse such as lack of interest in school or work activity, sudden mood swings, irritability, or angry outbursts, periods of unusual hyperactivity, hallucinations, confusion, and rapid requests for money. Consequently, in this stage the addicted starts to recognize the changes in his surroundings and lifestyle. Upon this stage, the addicted capability to quit using is eventually compromised. Third, Addiction is a complex disorder defined as “A chronic, relapsing brain disorder that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.” [1] The physical effects of drug abuse differ from type to type, but all abused drugs interfere with the normal functioning of the brain causing it to be dysfunctional and dependent on the substance. The changes that happen in the brain decrease the ability to think clearly, the ability to make good choices, the ability to cope with day

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