The Benefits Of Ecotourism

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Ecotourism is now the most demanded way to travel. Since the 1970’s, trying to save the environment has been a big issue amongst different industries. Many businesses use the term “sustainable development” which means to develop something that will last for a longer time while minimizing the negative effects of the said development. Those from the tourism industry however prefer to use the term ‘ecotourism’. This submarket is the fastest growing sector of tourism with a recorded global growth of at least 5% annually (Srinivas). The best reference for ecotourism is the Costa Ricans’ way of life which is also a very meaningful expression for the locals, “Pura Vida”. Pura Vida literally translates to “Pure Life” and for many Costa Ricans, a pure life means living a peaceful, simple, uncluttered life with a deep appreciation for nature, family and friends (Villalobos, 2010). There is no better way to describe ecotourism in two words other than Pura …show more content…

The roots of ecotourism are unclear and almost uncertain, many industry practitioners agree that it could have started with Hetzer’s (1965) four pillars of responsible tourism which are minimizing,

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