Hypothesis About Zoos

774 Words4 Pages

My first hypothesis is tourisms have negative impacts on the surrounding. There’s a possibility of erosion occurring along the pathway since people walk along it. There will be higher rate of erosion to the pathway which has many people passing through compare to the pathway that has least people passing through.
My second hypothesis is there is infrastructure development since there are more tourist visiting Ragunan as people know more about it. There will be more facilities provided now compare to few years ago.They do some renovations around and improve the quality of the buildings. The number of facilities will increase because they want to give better service, also increase the rate of tourism.
Background Information:
Ragunan Zoo is located at PasarMinggu, South Jakarta, Indonesia. It was officially opened there since 22 June 1966. The Ragunan …show more content…

it holds the record of the third oldest zoo in the world.
Facilities such as the transportation, restaurants, small shops had an increasing number. The facilities that decided to exist near the Ragunan Zoo, took an advantage from the Ragunan Zoo tourism. New animal species such as the gorilla exhibition and the giraffe exhibition could be visited in current …show more content…

Each group consists of 2-3 people.We asked people on different places around and inside theRagunanzoo so it would be more efficient and prevent us from having the same person to ask the questionnaires. We were given some time to conduct the 10 paper questionnaires. There was time when we asked a group of people that gathered to do the questionnaires. Although it was a crowd, there will always a possibility for us asking the same person. To avoid that, I would ask my friends about the person I was about to ask. For doing the questionnaires, I would ask parents more to fill in the

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