The Positive And Negative Effects Of Memory

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Essay 3
This week's videos and readings consisted on memory mainly. It begins with including how memory has performed positively and negatively in many individuals lives. Each of these has either posed positive or negative. Some negative effects are based on what is happening to the individual. I ended up learning about something people say often that I had honestly not thought about in the past. The saying was “it is on the tip of my tongue” which means you have the information stored in your memory but you cannot retrieve the information that is being thrown forward (Brow.2012). Additionally deja vu feeling is often related because they both deal with memory. There are also two important types of memory explicit and implicit memories. Implicit has to with a recollection that someone does not know but is reactivated. So an example would be if someone was typing on a computer this would be counted because you are typing on the keyboard but not focusing on every moment. You just do it unconsciously. The second one being explicit memory has to do with past experiences that are brought to mind. For instance …show more content…

He tested his own memory and found out why people forget. He found out that 30% of what is learned is often forgotten. That can be with an encoding failure in the brain. The brain can forget to store useful information. However, cues can play a spot in retrieving certain memories. If you have a certain attitude you will be tens time more likely to access what you are looking for. A person’s memory plays a factor in activation. However with storing memory comes that act of forgetting memory. Many individuals use suppression to block out a memory from their mind because of the negative impact it had on them. They simply force themselves to forget the negative memory. There is also anterograde amnesia which has to do with forgetting right

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