The Pros And Cons Of A Zombie Apocalypse

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Could you imagine running for your life from a gigantic group of flesh eating creatures that were once human that have arisen from the dead to come back to life and take over mankind as we know it? Well, that is exactly what would happen if we were to have a zombie apocalypse. For all we know, zombies only want one thing, and that is to wipe out the entire human race to take over the world as their own. Very scary concept I am aware, but what is even scarier is if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, there is not a 100% guarantee that we could fight the zombies off. A zombie apocalypse would be a very serious threat to mankind as we know it, and sadly there is not much we can do to stop it. It is very unfortunate that millions of living human beings cannot defeat a horde of creatures that have risen from the dead, but that proves how powerful the zombie apocalypse can potentially be. Although zombies may make rather slow movements and are not the …show more content…

Just because zombies want to rise from the dead so they can live again, doesn’t make the chance of an apocalypse any less scary or serious. I mean, these things eat flesh for crying out loud! That’s a serious threat to humans and even animals everywhere. Humans everywhere better hope that an apocalypse never happens, because there are just enough humans that wouldn’t know what to do that could ruin the future of mankind for everyone. Keep in mind, there are more zombies than living people. In fact, if an apocalypse were to happen, humans would be outnumbered by zombies 128 to 1. That is a crazy scary comparison, and it shows how much harder it would be to fight the zombies off. In my opinion, everyone, everywhere, no matter who you are, unless you want mankind to be taken over and the human race as we know it come to an end, you better protect yourself from the zombies, because they’re coming for us, whether we like it or

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