The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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On Friday, June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, the landmark piece of legislation that made access to abortion legal. After this event took place, the quarrel over abortion began to increase. Abortion has always been a topic of debate for many years. In 1971, six states legalized abortion in the United States and Americans split into two sides, Pro-life and Pro-choice. Looking over the viewpoints and perspectives of pro-life and pro-choice, finding common ground between the two may be elusive, but not impossible.
The Gale Opposing Viewpoints topic overview states, “abortion is a medical or surgical procedure to deliberately end a pregnancy” (“Abortion” 1). Roe v. Wade Supreme Court allowed …show more content…

Specifically, doctors who deal with abortion operations may have a different viewpoint than someone that doesn't manually work with abortion care. Obstetrics and Gynecologist Jody Steinauer specifies that abortion care is one of the best ways to train compassionate doctors. Steinhauer brings up her personal experience of seeing the deep level of connection the clinicians have with their patients at the women’s health clinic. She says, “Having a baby can be scary. So can confronting an unwanted pregnancy. I saw how beautifully the best clinicians can make people feel comfortable and safe and help them make decisions that align with their values and desires” (“Abortion Care”). Furthermore, the author maintains, that doctors have a responsibility to fight for their patient’s welfare. Even if that means standing up for them in the …show more content…

However, both pro-life and pro-choice see natural rights in two different cases. For instance, Hadley Arkes’, author of the article, Abortion Is a Violation of Natural Rights speaks on the idea that abortion infringes on natural rights. Arkes mentions that value judgment is how the human fetus is determined to be human or not (3). Notably, comparing the “valued” lives of an unborn child to the “valued” lives of racial minorities. Arkes points out how people used to see the black man as inhuman, as people are doing currently with unborn children. She also mentions James Wilson, an American founder and associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, who tells us that if we have “natural rights” they must begin as soon as we begin to be

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