Climate change has been one of the major problems faced by us in the 21st century because of the increase in the amount of pollution caused by us. Studies have shown that in the 21st century the pollution has been increasing by 3.7% each year compare to 1% increase in the 20th century. As mentioned in “ The Myth Of ‘Settled Science’” by Charles Krauthammer and in “A Moral Atmosphere” by Bill McKinnbben changing for climate change is not something that comes naturally, but it is something that can be achieved over time. Change the way you think about transport, recycle and reproduce are a few that I believe are important to reduce climate change. In my opinion the only way to reduce or to stop climate change is to be a part of change instead of telling everyone to change.
On the other hand we also have careless anti-climate change activists who believe that climate change is simply foolish therefore they neglect the fact that climate change is well and truly on its way to being impossible to ignore any longer. As for the public’s views and insights on the devastating importance of climate change they have created a brick wall blocking off relevant and desperately needed information on climate change. Therefore some audiences have no clue of the dangers our atmosphere is in, leaving them careless to the issue whereas others have an educated idea but have not taken any
Annotated Bibliography: How Climate Change Is Affecting Our Planet Controversy statement: Climate change is been debated for over centuries now. People all around the world are taking action and reducing burning fossils to minimize the gasses in the atmosphere. Many people believe that climate change doesn't exists. But there are a lot of controversial topics that proves that climate change is real. In my opinion, climate change is slowly killing us and destroying our planet.
Article Review 1 In Idean Salehyan’s article, “The New Myth about Climate Change", he argues that possible future conflicts over resources will be due to the selfish actions of corrupt government leaders as opposed to changes in climate. Salehyan discusses how the grim future forecasted by prominent organizations has been used by dictators to divert attention away from their own violent actions. He concludes that a combination of technology and democracy could end these problems before they begin. The article is scholarly and peer reviewed. It was published eight years ago in the periodical Current.
I agree, it is factual that we are facing severe environmental challenges. Even if the skeptics do not believe in the global warming, it is undeniable that the air and water pollution are caused by human activities. It is unhelpful to argue who is right, who gets more evidences or who eventually wins. If people just ignore the negative environmental impacts and do not implement any practical plans to deal with, our future generation will definitely suffer from
The book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, was written by Naomi Klein in which she talks about climate change and the different roles affecting it. Klein would argue that climate change is a civilizational wake-up call and confronting it is about us changing the world before the world changes by itself in a negative way. This book helps the reader understand that the economy does play a part in climate change and that there are many economical controversies which can shape people’s views on the matter. A lot of people think that the market will save us, but the obsession for profit and growth is digging us in deeper and deeper every day. The need to stop climate change would mean that we must consume less, but being consumers has been such a huge part of peoples’ lives that it is all anyone really knows.
In 2009, former Prime Minister Tony Abbott published his political autobiography ‘Battlelines' where he infamously stated “of course these climatic changes had little or nothing to do with human activity.” Whilst this statement is of course laughable, it is simultaneously disturbing. Politics has failed to evolve from theocratic times of the 17th centuary. Many Australians still live in clueless opposition to the veracity of climate change. What startles me the most is that just a mere few months ago our nation was ruled by a man who was fuelling this skepticism which even despite the evidence, people sycophantically and foolishly believed.
For centuries, atmospheric carbon dioxide has never been higher than it is now. It has been increasing since the industrial revolution. The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Many have tried to come up with solutions to fix this controversial issue but climate change is still a major issue and affecting millions of lives. To stop this drastic effect we have on the world we must get together with other countries to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, drive more
This very essential in fact that many people really don't care much about climate change hence they neglect that fact that the world is slowly being engulfed by humanity's
What is global warming? Global Warming is the increase of Earth 's normal surface temperature due to impact of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide radiations from lighting fossil fuels or from the removal of trees which lure heat that would otherwise get away from Earth. This is a kind of greenhouse impact. Global warming is the determined and relieved increases in the mean temperature of Earth atmosphere and oceans.
Climate Change is something that we have caused because of our choices to burn fossil fuels, at some point we have to face the problems that we have created. The consequences of Climate Change are horrific and Climate Change could end our existence as a species, most people do take action against Climate Change except, The Government of the United States of America, refuses to accept the serious dangers of climate change and continues releasing propaganda on Climate Change, claiming its effects are minimal and that we are not causing it. Peculiar how almost every other government in the world thinks otherwise. The reasons we are heading in the wrong direction is because the actions of humans are causing Climate Change, and almost all scientists agree on this matter. Another reason is the that the government isn’t trustworthy in what they say about Climate Change, meaning what they say about Climate Change is wrong, and we should change our policy on Climate Change.
Perhaps less obvious but no less ominous a threat to the environment are the general increase in temperatures worldwide and the resulting climate changes. This phenomenon, known as global warming, could have serious negative effects on humans and all other living things on Earth. Global warming is a complex problem, and governments have had great difficulty deciding how to address it. Some people think that it is the work of the world where nothing we do can ether change it or anything we do will prevent it. While others say that the
Global climate change constitutes arguably the single most important threat to mankind. From the onset of the industrial revolution, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), including carbon dioxide (CO2) have increasingly built up in the atmosphere, causing the climate to warm up slowly but steadily (IPCC, 2014). NASA predicts that 2016 will mark the hottest year on record. The effects of global warming are ubiquitous: Greenland’s glacier and the Arctic ice cap are melting, ocean levels are rising, occurrences of extreme weather are increasing, including hurricanes and areas of either intense drought or flooding. Collectively, these changes and their direct consequences are an imminent danger and they directly affect other urgent issues humanity is
Its an issue that impacts the whole global community and requires everyone to pitch in. It took us centuries of innovation and hard work to get to the point where we are today, and it’ll take us a few centuries more to come up with more innovations and ideas to take away the burden that we have put on our planet. We as a global community need to collaborate to end climate change, we as individuals need to do what we can to help sustain our environment. Reducing, reusing and recycling are great ways to reduce the amount of waste and carbon dioxide that we produce. Driving less is another way; biking, walking and carpooling are more environmental friendly.