What Are The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Technology

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It is no surprise that today’s children have become more avid technology users. Laptops are being developed for children as young as five. Smart phones are now in the hands of children as young as ten. A survey has conducted in 2010 by Kristina E. Hatch, on which the media use in 8-18 years old spends an average of 10 hours and 45 minutes per day exposed to media. Even after multitasking is taken into consideration, the total still stands high at seven hours and thirty-eight minutes.

Today, it is not uncommon to see children playing on their portable video game systems while at a restaurant with their family, or to see a child operating a computer better than some adults. Some believe that children must become accustomed to technology because the digital world is here to stay, and will continue to offer its vast amount of benefits. The presence of this technology will force children to have the skills to navigate it and keep up with it as they get older. Electronic media is becoming more and more integrated into our workforce and our classrooms as technology advances and becomes more easily accessible.

As children continue to become more immersed in media, many adults have begun to wonder whether or not this exposure to such a high amount of electronic media is a good thing or not. To classify …show more content…

This can be explained through the loss of privacy. As society become more connected through the internet, cell phones, and social networking, privacy for children is becoming a major concern, and one that is difficult to find a solution to. Sites can enforce this by releasing a privacy statement, or disallowing young children from using their site at all. However, it can be difficult to know for sure that the child using website is being honest about their age or any of their information at

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