Quick Facts 91 Number Of Divorce Cases

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Did you know that according to the Quick Facts 91% of divorce cases worldwide is based on love marriage? 9% comes from arranged marriage, and in most cases the divorce never happens (Baykara-Krumme 1325). The writings below shows why arranged marriage lasts longer than love marriages. Arranged marriages are marriages that are planned for the bride and the groom since they were little. This type of marriage is usually organized by parents or grandparents of both parties, whereby their representatives agree with how the union should be, where it will take place, and the time the two parties will tie a knot. Since there is regulation of the marriage from the guardians, the groom, and the bride have little or no say on how to decide how their wedding would be. For this reason, arranged marriage is the best marriage for couples, for it creates no room for divorce and is most likely to last for long and even grow successfully.
On the other hand, love marriage is typical for most couples. The belief of love on the first sight and courtship has little success for an eternal and fruitful marriage (Baykara-Krumme 1346). The chemistry in soul mates can be achieved in arranged marriage, for there will be a space for the couples to work on their misunderstandings and come to an agreement, through their parent’s regulation. Divorce mainly occurs due to lack of management and involvement of the couple guardians. In most cases, the parents of both parties do not know what happens in the

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