The Importance Of Piracy In Movies

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Stealing is not a new concept, in fact it may be one of the first concepts to ever exist; how can one survive if they don't steal from the earth, and take advantage of the bounty given to every living being on said planet. The type of stealing most similar to stealing from the earth, is piracy (as in movies). Similar to stealing from our pale blue dot, piracy does not take from a limited source, but borrows from a growing source, and distributes it. This is not to say that pirating is good and a necessity to live but rather, it is not as harsh of a theft we are known to relate it to, pirating is more like stealing a multiple ears of corn from a large scale farm, then lets say "stealing a car". For these reasons, and many more it is apparent that pirating movies should be more accepted as apart of our culture. This is not to say that we should make piracy legal, but we should keep it an area where people are prosecuted by the violation of creator, and people can access most …show more content…

A constant between all demographics of movies is that if a movie is pirated to cause it to have a net loss, it is not a good movie; a good movie with a convenient way to watch would still make a profit. The prime example of the value of convenience is seen in the the streaming services we have today. These streaming services make watching movies very convenient. So convenient in fact, that people are willing to pay for the service. If you compare the convenience of streaming services to that of piracy, you can see which one is superior. If I were to go to Netflix to watch a movie, I would have to complete three steps: going to the Netflix website, entering Netflix, and searching for what I want to watch. This is many steps less involved than the typical way to pirate a movie, if I were to want to pirate a movie I would have to go through: finding a website that would allow me to watch the movie,

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