The Electoral College has been a confusing subject and is now rising up some serious questions. Does your vote really count? What is a faithless elector? How are they chosen? What is a direct democracy? How should we address these questions some people think the Electoral College is a amazing thing and that we need to continue using. But on the other hand, there are groups of people that think their vote doesn't count and we should just stick with a popular vote.
Does your vote really count? Every vote counts, just in a complicated way. When you vote for president, your voting in a state election, not a national election. So your vote counts just as much as everyone else in your state. It just may not count as much or as less than someone
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One pro is it protects uneducated voters from making the final decision on who the president of the country would be. Also, the Electoral College ensures that all parts of the country are involved in who gets to be president. Lastly, the Electoral College guarantees assurance to the outcome of the presidential election. Some cons include, the reasons for which the founding father created the Electoral College are no longer relevant. Next, the Electoral College gives more power to some of the swing states, and allows the presidential election to be decided by a handful of states. Lastly, the Electoral College ignores the will of the people. There are 538 electors and over 300 million people in the United States and only 538 people get to decide who gets to be voted in.
Is there a better way then the Electoral College for voting? This question is very opinionated because some people think we don’t need the Electoral College at all and other do. But, I think the Electoral College isn’t that bad of a way, because you wouldn’t want some uneducated adult that has no idea what they are doing decide who they want to run the country. But on the other hand, there is only a handful of people that don’t know what they are doing with voting so it shouldn’t really affect the