
The Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College

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A government institution that is constantly questioned is the Electoral College. There are many positive and negative elements of the Electoral College. Many argue if we should keep it in our election system. The Electoral College has always been a very controversial issue in American politics. The Electoral College has many good attributes some of those include giving equal representation to the small states and keeping the system simple. “The election of 2000 is one of the rare cases where the winner of the popular vote did not also win the electoral vote, but the electoral vote reflected the fact that Bush won in far more states (30) than did Gore, and thus highlighted the federal nature of the system.” The outcome of this election shows how the Electoral College more accurately represents the citizens votes than the popular vote. In this scenario without the electoral college the election would have been swayed in favor of the larger more populous states. “the Electoral Colleges strengthens the two-party system and discourages third-party challengers who could further fragment the existing political system.” Another …show more content…

“ one of the most undemocratic features of the current system.” how undemocratic the Electoral College is definitely one of its most negative aspects. When people vote for president they are not voting for the president but for their electors. Therefore, the votes are not really coming directly from the citizens. “By guaranteeing each state a minimum of three votes, the existing system over represents the people of the smallest states.” How the number of electors are determined result in the small states receiving a unproportionally large amount in relation to their population. This can sway elections to either side causing a dishonest outcome. The Electoral College has some major faults in its

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