The Role Of Literacy In My Life

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Some ways that Literacy has played a role on my life is reading. The earliest memory of reading is sitting out on my tree house reading “Deep and Dark and Dangerous” By, Mary Downing Hahn. I remember she wrote it so creative and lifelike that I can remember a scene so theatrical that I can see it almost as if I was there, It was a scene that the main character was in her room and she described everything from the creek of her window to the cracks in her ceiling. It really intrigued me and made me a better writer and enjoy the little details about books.
Other things that intrigue me about anything involved with Literacy it is definitely writing.
I enjoy reading people’s summaries of books written by other people, especially when I’ve already read the book it’s nice to see what other people’s views are on books and their opinions. …show more content…

He has read my whole life. Most recently my dad loves to listen to audio books. He still loves the feeling of reading an actual book but he listens to them while we’re driving and while he’s just cooking. It’s oddly satisfying to listen to different part of stories and books and get caught into a story that involves nothing in your personal life.
I think a personal strength of mine when it comes to Literacy and Writing is knowing when I can make the sentence better with a stronger word and a stronger meaning. An example of mine is that I always feel as if I can always make my sentences better by changing the word to a better