Concepts Of Organizational Change

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A. Organizational Change
There are several studies about why and how organization change but what constitutes change is often left out.22 Organization change is an inside issue within an organization. It can be theory, management or accounting. An organization is defines as a purposeful coordination of people and the activities they undergo to reach a shared and common objectives or goals.21 Change happens when there is an alteration in the status quo. The other definition of change is when the new state of things is different from the old state of things. Therefore, organizational change involves a situation that initiate a different state of things created parallel to the goal-oriented coordination of people in an organization. The purpose …show more content…

It domains the discipline of organizational development. It is always featured in discussions of organizational behaviour and organization theory throughout their respective histories. The organizational change that we are discussing in this study relates to an organization-wide change that includes a change in mission, restructuring operations, mergers, new technologies, new system or program, re-engineering, etc. It is comparable to organizational transformation. This designates a fundamental and radical re-orientation in terms of organization’s operation. Successful change must involve the highest management. In most cases, a champion will lead the pack to instigate change through his vision, persuasion, and consistence. The role of the change agent is to translate the vision into a realistic plan and execute the plan. Change is best carried out as a team-wide effort. A consistent communication with all the members should be carried out. The organizational structure should be modified in order to sustain change. This also includes strategic plans, policies and …show more content…

However, any project that calls for behavioural change can be daunting and complex. Behaviour is influences by factors that play an important role such as culture, rewards, recognition, incentives, and established norms. Since organizational change is people changing, it involves behavioural changes as well. This means that it involves people doing differently. Change should be aimed at stakeholder engagement, employee involvement and communication. Industrial psychologist is usually invited on the initial change planning to integrate behavioural change in the management. A good practice is to develop a structured change management plan to address both the hearts and minds of employees on the entire hierarchy, according to Bickford.8 The “minds” that Bickford mention among other things included is addressing the contextual elements that reinforce the desired behaviours e.g. management forums, organizational structure and responsibilities, metrics, and incentive compensation. The “heart” includes aligning leaders to speak with one voice, and maintain morale overtime in the face of unavoidable challenges during the actual execution. In addition, this also includes helping stakeholders to understand what the change means for

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