Six Major Barriers Of Effective Business Communication

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It is sometimes hilarious when the same language you speak to share meaning is the same language that is misunderstood or miscommunicated. (Mclean, 2014). When it is difficult for people to understand what is being communicated verbally, it is considered a language barrier. (Webster, n.d.). The six major barriers of effective business communication are often problematic when it comes to understanding the meaning. While reading the text and familiarizing myself with ways to communicate effectively, it was clear to me that most of these terms that guides the conduct of effective communication are used everyday around me and by me. I now have a clear knowledge of words used to describe these actions as well as when and how to use them.
Cliché is a barrier that is overused, silly or boring and does not appear original. …show more content…

This is a total ‘No No’ in the workplace. While it is against company’s policy it happens in the workplace just the same. Being a manager, it is sometimes difficult to have conversations with coworkers about this behavior when they see no harm in it, as it has become common knowledge whether at home or in social settings. It is still puzzling to me when persons don’t know how to be professional in the workplace when it comes to discriminating comments. When I was at the previous location of this same company, one of my coworkers usually sells clothing items and accessories. One day, another coworker from another department was showing her some accessories that she was also selling. They know each other, therefore the lady from my department got upset and said, “What’s wrong with this sodomite, don’t you know I sell jewelry too?” and walked off. Until this day, I am still shocked about that response, she knows it’s wrong, she knows the implications and did it just the same. All in all, she was not fired, and nothing was done about

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