
The Soul In Thomas Moore's Care Of The Soul

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Today, I am reminded of a saying: “there are places in the heart that do not exist, pain must be so that they may be”. In the past, I reasoned this saying to be a metaphor for compassion…that as we work through our pain, we become more connected and loving toward others. What I discovered is; that introspective examination assigning the meaning to pain and painful events is soul work while the work of connecting and loving others is a good but superficial start. In the book “Care of the Soul” Thomas Moore cites: "It’s important to be heroic, ambitious, productive, efficient, creative and progressive. But these qualities don’t necessarily nurture the soul. The soul has different concerns of equal value: downtown for reflection, conversation, and reverie: beauty that is captivating and pleasuring: relatedness to the environs and people". That said, my husband and I asked yesterday when we learned my brother’s states of consciousness were fluxuating, wher was his soul? Moreover, if the soul requires nurturing as indicated above, how do physiological changes caused by trauma or disease impact the soul? According to Thomas Moore’s description, as indicated above, the work of the soul is related to consciousness and conscious choice. During my education to obtain my current credentials, I studied …show more content…

Is its essence recognized only through the act of being conscious? To me, “Essence” is a quality of consistent characteristics that enables one to meet life’s challenges. “Soul” is the spark that animates an individual. My brother respected his soul, his spark shone by the way he chose to live his life. A Vietnam vet, he continued to serve by feeding the homeless, showing respect for fellow vets and living a life devoid of excess. More importantly, he possessed a warrior essence, enabling him to reconcile the challenges of living with PTSD and the physiologic sequelae of exposure to Agent

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