Why did Islam spread Quickly? - Trade The Islamic religion spreaded quickly because of trade. Based on the fact, that Islam had trade over many empires. Corresponding to the map on Document A, “ Adding from the profits of caravans was a brisk pilgrimage trade, for Mecca was the site of Arabia 's holiest shrine.
Military conquest was a primary reason why Islam spread so quickly. As demonstrated in the “The Spread of Islam” map from Document C, the reader can clearly see that everywhere the Islamic World spread, a military campaign occured. A military campaign means plans for war or battle. Although it is possible, it is unlikely that the Islamic teachings just spread. Most likely, the teachings spread through a forced movement, or a military conquest.
Islam spread quickly because of trade. Mecca, where Islam originated, is in the middle of many trade routes, causing them to interact with and spread their religion to others easily. This is shown by Document A, a map of trade routes in 570, created from various sources. Document A states, “By the middle of the sixth century... Mecca was...prosperous and important.
Islam is a religion that controls their follower's daily lives. It quickly spread throughout many large and small civilizations all throughout the world. Two civilizations that Islam affected were the Byzantine Empire and China. The Byzantine empire was the section of Rome that remained after the fall of Rome and was a very successful civilization in its time. During the rise of Christianity, the Byzantine empire became a Christian-based civilization and used the church to solve its political and economic problems that sprang up after the fall of Rome.
In 1000 there was political fragmentation because it spread too far. The Commercial Network passed the religious message around and it spread quickly, because its emotional content and strong social bonds made it appealing to common people. Eventually more people started to understand the faith practiced by the commercial, political, and the scholarly upper classes even while they remain attached to their Sufi ways. Islam embraced Persian literature, Turkish ruling skills, and Arabic language which made it become more accommodating for the people.
The Ottoman and Mughal empires both used Islam in their culture, economy, wars, and society. It influenced their art, the way they treated non-Muslims, their motivations for war. It is important to note that both empires were influenced differently by their majority religion. However, both the Ottomans and Mughals were heavily influenced as Islam was a major part of everyday life from the art to the bureaucracy.
Muhammad, the final messenger of God, and his followers spread the message of Allah to the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula in 610 CE. Surprisingly, Muhammad was pretty popular and his word, Islam, spread rather quickly because of Trade routes in the peninsula, the Muslims military conquest, and treaties and toleration. Out of all of those three main reasons why Islam spread fast, Treaties and Taxation was the most important. The treaties and toleration that the Muslims assembled were the main reason why people either stayed in the Islam religion and others transferred and started practicing Islam.
The Spread of Islamic Empire The Islamic empire had spread rapidly in its early years proved by sources. The Islamic empire expanded in many ways but an example is when Muslim empires took control of the eastern Roman Empire in 636 C.E. according to document A, “The Muslim gathered together”. By this it means, that Muslims stood together no matter what happened. An example is that in 713 CE a Muslim commander signed a treaty with forces invading the Christian king of the southern Spain.
In 610 C.E. a local merchant named Muhammad went to Mount Hira to meditate and free himself from stress, but instead met the angel Gabriel who told him about Allah (God) and his messages. This interaction between them led to Muhammad sharing Allah’s messages and creating Islam, a monotheistic religion. Many people have wondered why Islam spread quickly and argue about their contrasting opinions due to different pieces of evidence supporting a diverse amount of ideas. To answer this question once and for all, Islam spread quickly due to merchant trade routes and treaties/taxes/tolerance. To begin with, one important reason that helped Islam spread quickly is trade.
The societies of West Africa, Europe, and North America exhibited similarities and differences in their religious beliefs, values, and government systems. These contrasts and similarities were further made apparent during European expansion across the Atlantic and the subsequent new cross cultural interactions that were created. One way in which the societies of West Africa, Europe, and North America diverged was in their belief systems. Unlike Europe and North America, West Africa gradually adopted Islam in addition to its traditional religions. Islam diffused through the trans-Saharan trade with North Africa and by the 1200’s was assimilated into the Mali and Songhai Empire.
The new religion of Islam was able to spread so quickly due to trade. The first reason is Mecca was the center of trade for the Arabian Peninsula. In document A of the Why Islam Spread So Quickly reading it states, “...
The Middle East is a place that was the birthplace for many cultures and religions such as Christianity and Islam. As they expanded from this region, both of these religions had good impact on history. However, Christianity and Islam have their similarities in religious beliefs and their differences in expansion between the two religions. Within the time period c. 600 CE to 1250 CE and 1st century to 1000 CE Islam and Christianity began to spread around the world. The two religions spread socially and economically similar but politically different.
Why did Islam spread so fast? In 610 CE A man named Muhammad was outside of a cave meditating and soon began hearing voices. As he listened he heard them say “Give birth to a religion called Islam.” Islam began to spread faster than any other religion.
The two religions relied heavily on trade routes to grow and expand. Christianity spread almost accidentally by word of mouth through the silk road, the largest trade route in Eurasia at the time. Traders and other travelers spread the word of Christianity through the silk road and all of Europe, subsequently. Meanwhile Islam spread through the Indian Ocean trade route, a trade route created thanks to the development of larger ships, which allowed for much faster trade and spread of ideas, such as Islam, on the sea’s rather than across land. If these trade routes had never been allowed to develop or flourish, it can only be assumed that both Islam and Christianity would have remained very isolated and that their spread would have remained very limited.
Before the 1500 ce Africa had many trades, cultures, and also some encounters with Islam. In 1000 ce Islam invaded the West African State, in Dr. Mayers, 2012 study of Africa he stated that the spread of Islam revealed the power of the religion, commercial, and also the military qualities. Many civilizations were being change without being close to at least one Islamic statement. Islam had spread so much in Africa that Islamization had served to connect with Africa and connected more with the outside world through trade, religion, and