The Symbolism Of The Ghost In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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We know what we are, but not we may be. Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare is about disease, poison, revenge, fortune,fate, appearance and reality. Hamlet who is the main character is seeking revenge on his uncle for killing his father and marrying his mother. In the beginning of act 1 ,scene 1 there are 3 watchmen guarding Elsinore Castle in Denmark Bernardo, Horatio, and Marcellus when a ghost appears before their eyes who seems to look like the dead King of Denmark also known as Hamlet's father. The ghost has come to warn the guards of impending misfortune for Denmark. At the end of Act 1, scene 1 Horatio tells the guards that they should tell hamlet about the ghost because if it is hamlet's dead father he won't refuse to talk to him. The ghost symbolizes Hamlet’s faith in finding out about the death of his father and who did it and also revenge on who killed his father.
In Act 1, scene 5 before the ghost tells Hamlet who killed him he tells him to take revenge on his murder and hamlet replies:
“Haste me to know’t, that I,with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep my revenge.” (1.5. 29-31) …show more content…

The ghost tells Hamlet who the real villain is, Claudius. Hamlet is outraged to find out that his father has been murder by his own brother who poured poison down his ear while he was asleep in his garden. Hamlet cries out “Oh my prophetic soul!” (1.5.40) Hamlet must seek revenge on Claudius for not only the murder but for also corrupting Denmark and for marrying his mother Gertrude, making Claudius Hamlet’s uncle daddy. As the ghost disappears at dawn Marcellus and Horatio arrive to where Hamlet is to find out what is going on, but Hamlet will not tell them and makes them swear to not tell anyone what they saw and that he might turn into a