Beowulf on the other hand fought a sea monster as well on his journey. These two hero also get supernatural aid in the story the hero call to adventure his supernatural
Water is a method of transportation, and the essence of life. Water comes in the gas and liquid form. Water has the capacity to kill, and often in this story, death comes in the water or from the water. Water is a dangerous force to be reckoned with in The Odyssey. Water has a part in why Ulysses didn’t get back to Ithaca for twenty years.
Kate Chopin created a very complex character named Edna Pontellier in her novel The Awakening. Mrs. Pontellier is peculiar because her thoughts are consistently drury and she is insatiable. Chopin uses many different strategies to develop Mrs. Pontellier’s character such as imagery but the most prominent strategy is symbolism. Symbols featured in the story include birds, two lovers, a widow, and water. Whenever water appears in a story or novel it can often represent baptism, rebirth, and/or death.
5 Literary Devices in Beowulf: “the way it all melted as ice melts” (p.52) Beowulf just finished slaying Grendel and his mother; the ancient sword he used to kill them melts. The poet uses a simile comparing the sword to ice cubes as they melt to emphasize. Giving the image/effect of the sword slowly dissolving in a stunning way; emphasizing the incredibility of it. “the shining blade refused to bite” (p.50) Beowulf dives underwater to fight Grendel’s Mother.
The author in Beowulf states that there is one almighty god that gives him grace, while Homer speaks of Gods like Zeus. Besides their different beliefs and time frames, both heroes shared many of the same characteristics. Beowulf and Achilles were strong worriers that fought for beliefs and others. Although Beowulf fought for different reasons than that of Achilles, they both fought for glory and honor ultimately.
Imagery is something that is constantly being used since the beginning of time in multiple ways. The book writers, music artist, and everyday people use it to create an image in someone's head. Throughout Beowulf, there is a lot of imagery being used. In the beginning of Beowulf’s last battle, even before he fights, he says farewell to his followers for the last time and he chooses his words. He creates an image in the reader’s heads.
Between water, floods, and sea travel, water can present itself in different functions and can be symbolic especially in the readings that we were required to read this past week. Throughout the texts, water was a major factor, but the two that I felt expressed water the most were in both the Bible (Genesis) and also the Odyssey. In both of these texts water, more specifically flooding for the Bible and sea travel in the Odyssey, represented different meaning and showcased itself through different images for the readers to grasp. Just between these two stories, it’s amazing how water can not only produce different forms throughout these stories, but after analyzing can also create different symbols and representations or interpretations.
Motivations The three cardinal motivations for Beowulf to fight the monsters. People often have very different reasons to do something than others. Sometimes, people wonder why others do the things they do.
Water was a very interesting character in The Odyssey. Water had the capacity to kill, prevented people from getting somewhere, kept something alive, had what seemed like an endless span, was a method of transportation, the substance of life, and showed up in gas(pg. 50) and liquid form. Water was a dangerous force to be reckoned with in The Odyssey. Water has a part in why Ulysses didn’t get back to Ithaca for twenty years.
In the great epic, Beowulf, an unknown poet describes Beowulf as an invincible hero with the amazing strength stronger than any human ever, but does having the traits of an incredible warrior, make him a great king? A great king is loyal, generous, reliable and should be able to realize what he needs to do to make sure his people are safe. Beowulf is brave, strong, and extremely confident in his combat abilities, but Beowulf does not think about the possible effects of his actions. Beowulf cares about his fame, fortune, and legacy, but he often makes rushed decisions that risk his life and could potentially leave his people powerless and unprotected. During Beowulf’s transformation from thane to king, he has always had more of a warrior’s mindset,
Do you consider Beowulf a hero? I consider him as a hero. Beowulf was always ready for a fight or to try to find a solution to the problem. He always made sure the town was okay and made it safe. Beowulf never lost a battle or never got disrespected.
2. Water in the Old Testament In the Old Testament, we see water rightly at the creation story. The first mention of water is found in Genesis, where it is said: “the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the water”. Furthermore, in Genesis, it says: “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures”.
In the halls of Heorot, an evil presence terrorizes its people. An evil presence known as Grendel. Grendel is assumed to be a descendent of Cain, who is destined to be evil. Even though he is full of corruption, he is a lonely creature who seeks companionship by killing the people of Heorot. Every one in the castle is terrified of Grendel as well as the King’s warriors.
If someone were to read Beowulf straight through and not think into any of the deeper meanings or symbolism in the story, the whole tale would come off as fairly superficial and typical. It would seem like just another story of a powerful hero slaying monsters and receiving lavish rewards in return. Going through the story in that fashion would be doing it a great disservice because there is so much more to Beowulf underneath all of the grandeur of the basic story. There are many recurring themes that hint at much deeper messages and even some darker, more nihilistic themes. As if ripping the arm off of a creature and then hunting down and killing its mother wasn’t already dark enough.
Throughout the epic poem of “Beowulf” many literary devices are used. Which devices stand out to you? The three that I see from the writing of Roberta Frank are kenning, foreshadowing, and alliteration. These devises are in my opinion the ones that are used the most and stand out from the others. In the epic poem Kenning is used to transform a simple word into something much more Complex or something that may sound better.