The Theme Of Conflict In Lamb To The Slaughter

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Isabella Lopez
Ms. Altamirano
English 9
12 March 2023 Conflict

George Washington once said “ the harder the conflict the greater the triumph”Conflicts are different arguments or disagreements that other people have. People get into conflict because of different opinions. Conflict is important because it lets us listen to other people's opinions. Stories have conflict to make the story interesting, and to teach others a lesson. There are seven types of conflict but the two that we see the most in stories is; person vs. person is an argument between two other people, and person vs. self is an internal struggle. In 3 short stories, the authors use person vs _self and person vs person ___ conflict(s) …show more content…

person conflict to show the theme that sometimes we have to think before we act.In the short story, Mary's husband wanted a divorce so Mary killed him. She manipulated the police into thinking she didn't do it. She also talked the police into eating the supper she made for her husband but they actually ate the murder weapon. after her husband tells her he wants to leave her she hits him over the head with a leg lamb.“At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head. She might just as well have hit him with a steel club.”
In other words, Mary's husband wanted a divorce but she wasn't very fond of that so he hit him in the head with the leg of lamb she was going to make for supper . This demonstrates person vs. person conflict because she kills her husband.This shows that what the character most deeply desires is her husband not leaving her. This conflict demonstrates the theme because mary didn't think before she killed her husband she just acted after she did what she did her first concern was about her baby Therefore mary didn't think before she killed her husband so now she's left with no