Lea Vilna Santos Mrs. English, 7th September 1st, 2015 The Giver, by: Lois Lowry Log Entry 4: Chapters 7-8: Question 2: In chapters 7 and 8, Jonas is assigned the job of Receiver of Memory and although the Chief Elder calls it the greatest honor,it might give him more hardship and pain than fortune. She explains that the selection is rare and his role is very important because there is only one Receiver and it takes integrity, intelligence, courage, wisdom, and the capacity to see beyond to be that person. At first he wants to tell he has no idea what she means and that he doesn’t have it until he notices a change in the crowd that was quick but he knows that he isn’t dreaming because it’s happened before but to his apple. Then he realizes
Lea Vilna-Santos Mrs. English, 7th September 1st, 2015 The Giver, by: Lois Lowry Log Entry 5: Chapters 9-10: Question 7: In chapters 9-10, Jonas realizes from reading the last rule in his list that allows him to lie, that what if what people say isn’t the truth, despite what everyone in his community learns about the importance of telling the truth. He was even chastised when he exaggerated as a Four. He said that he was starving, but he was only hungry. His teachers made sure he understood that even though it was an unintentional lie, it was still a lie because as long as he lives in their community he will never be starving so they didn’t want him to ever say anything like that again.
Pale Eyes When daily life is controlled, it is possible some people wouldn’t have the ability to see color and most parents wouldn’t love their children just due to the fact that it was not the way they were “programmed”. It may get a little frustrating after awhile... if someone even noticed that something was off. In the science fiction novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, there is a twelve-year-old boy named Jonas. He is named the new Receiver which is a very respected and high-end job in his community. This job also introduces him to a man that he calls the Giver.
The Giver - Think About What You've Read Write at least five sentences for each one! 1. Somehow, you come upon Jonas’s Community…a group of people living peacefully, with no poverty, no suffering, no pain, and no war. Should you tell them about pain and war and all those bad things, or not? List the arguments for telling them, and then list the arguments for not telling them.
Just think. Nobody has any knowledge of the past. You do not know what color is, you have no emotion, and everybody is the same. The world that you live in is colorless, emotionless, drab, even lifeless. This is the type of world that Jonas and The Giver live in.
Feelings and Emotion Different feelings and emotion are not known in the community within the people. The Giver and Jonas are the only true people that know how to feel the different emotions. Every night at the conclusion of their evening meal one of the rituals is the evening telling of feelings. In the very first Chapter Jonas talks about how it was almost December and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. But then thought that was the wrong word to use.
He is under sameness and the influence of the community. Jonas is chosen to receive feelings, colors, and emotions from memories. As time goes by Jonas sees the community not as a utopia but a horrible place. Jonas wants to change
One of the main themes in “The Giver” is the importance of individuality. The people in the community are not given any freedom to be individuals. They are not allowed to be different, and this creates less understanding of the world. This is why the community needs a receiver to understand these things for them.
“We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others” (Lowry). In other words, this means that to get what you want, you have to get rid of other things you have. Although there are many similarities between The Giver and our society, there are a lot more differences like families, rules, and personal freedoms. For starters there are many differences with families between their society and our society.
Outline Imagine being chosen a job for a lifetime, but this job had a lot of pain, and loneliness. Well that what it was like for Jonas. Which makes Jonas being selected to be the receiver of memory is more like a punishment than an honor. Jonas has to deal with the pain that comes from the memories. He is missing out on things others can do.
The government in The Giver is based on keeping information from the members of the Community and using deception to control the society. Jonas is exposed to the truth through receiving the memories from The Giver. The government relies on The Giver and The Receiver to keep the secrets of the old ways and prevent the members of the Community from rebelling. The Elders do not allow the members of the Community to know the truth of the releasings because it would cause the Community to know too much and have too much power. The leaders of the Community trick the members of the Community into thinking that they are able to make decisions, when in reality they are living a life void of free will.
“Even the Matching of Spouses was given such a weighty consideration that sometimes an adult who applied to receive a spouse waited months or even years before a Match was approved and announced” (Lowry 48). In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, there is a community where there is almost no decision or say in any situations, you wake up tomorrow, and it is the same as yesturday. Nothing is ever unique or different, it’s always the same. Every choice is made for them, every move the make being decided for them. This is how it was in the community, everything was the same always.
If there was no sameness then the community would be a mess. It is because if a person chooses their spouse wrong then they will have to live with them for the rest of their lives. It is also the same when getting a job, if they pick their own jobs and they pick bad then they’ll be stuck with that job until their death. The elders think that sameness is good but Jonas is not happy. Jonas thinks that all people should have their own voice so that they can decide what they can do.
Furthermore, memories allow the community to gain wisdom from remembering experiences of the past. Moreover, the Giver disagrees with how the community runs things. He believes that memories should be experienced by everyone as well, because life is meaningless without memories. The Giver states: “There are so many things I could tell them; things I wish they would change. But they
Is life meaningless without memories?in The Giver,By Lois Lowry, Jonas lives in a perfect society but the Giver is the only one with memories of the past. The Giver helps them to remember feeling and the past. Life is meaningless without memories because they help you remember important parts of the past. Life would be boring and there would be no real relationships.