The Ultimate Test Of Faith In Hacksaw Ridge

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When faced with the ultimate test of faith, one man stood tall and unwavering in his convictions. Desmond Doss is a devout Seventh-day Adventist who made a vow to God that he would not kill or harm another person. The movie, “Hacksaw Ridge,” is a powerful representation of religious devotion and the power of true faith. If the movie is viewed at face value, some might say that it is about him trying to follow the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” (Douay-Rheims Bible, Exodus 20.13); however, the vow he made is where his faith must stand true. This vow is put to the test when Doss decides to enlist into the military as a combat medic in World War II. He believed that, because he was capable of joining the military and serving his country, it …show more content…

The movie shows the power of religious conviction and the strength it can grant in the most difficult of times. Despite the fact that Doss faces frequent ridicule, abuse, and even physical violence, (evident when Doss is physically beaten [Gibson 0:45:14-0:45:33] and when he is court-martialed [Gibson 0:48:00-1:03:20]) Doss remains unwavering in his vow to God. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9) This is a powerful testament to the strength of his faith and his belief that it is possible to stand true to one’s values even in the faith of overwhelming …show more content…

Doss is willing and determined to put his own life on the line for his beliefs, and this is a powerful symbol of the sacrifices required to achieve great good and remain true to your faith. Sacrifice is a consistent theme throughout the bible, from the story of Abraham all the way past the story of Jesus in the New Testament. In addition, the film explores the idea of forgiveness, as Doss is willing to forgive even those who have wronged him, such as his fellow soldiers who have mocked and abused him. (Gibson 2:00:46-2:02:15) This is a representation of the power of love and compassion, and how even in the most difficult of situations, it is possible to stay true to one’s values and to show love and kindness to those around us.
This film is also an incredible exploration of the concept of heroism. Despite the lack of physical weapons, Doss’s actions on the battlefield were nothing short of heroic. He risks his life in order to save those of his fellow soldiers, demonstrating that true bravery and courage come not from the weapons we carry, but instead from our willingness to put ourselves at risk for the sake of others. This is a powerful message showcasing the importance of selflessness and the incredible power of