The Victorian Period: The Historical Period Of Queen Victoria

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The Victorian period: a prosperous time full of scientific advancement, historic peace, growth in population, economic strength, and political progress. However, this was only true for the wealthy; the relatively small percentage of aristocrats of an otherwise population in shambles. The Victorian period is the historical era designated to the span of Queen Victoria’s reign. Therefore, this era commences the year Queen Victoria took the crown, 1837, and finalizes the year of her passing, 1901. As was previously stated, this period is characterized as a historic era of peace and good fortune for a variety of reasons. First of all, during her reign, Great Britain’s population grew from one of 2 million to one of 6.5 million. This is due to the fact that Britain was not going through any sort of epidemic nor famine, making Great Britain a safe place to live. Second of all, Britain was in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, advancing progress in science, technology, industry, economy, among other things. In addition to this change in the world, there was a change in people’s minds and the way they thought. For instance, socialist movements became prevalent, inspired by famous thinkers like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Moreover, social conduct became more narrow-minded, modest, and strict. Finally, people started to realize the inequality between men and women. This all brought England to its most advanced level as a world superpower, and yet, how come most Victorian

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