Theme Of Discrimination In The Merchant Of Venice

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Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a group of individuals and it is omnipresent. In The Merchant of Venice and the mid-eighteen hundreds, this injustice was observed. In The Merchant of Venice, prejudice is most commonly seen between Antonio, a Christian, and Shylock, a Jew. It is conveyed most when Antonio and Shylock meet to discuss lending money for Antonio’s friend Bassanio’s sake. In the mid-eighteen hundreds bigotry was seen between Britain and India during British Imperialism specifically when Britain established their dominance in India. Discrimination exists, ubiquitously, discrimination even occurs in stories because often writers base stories off of what they see in the real world. Based on The Merchant of Venice and British Imperialism in India, discrimination cannot be overcome 3 because humans don’t seek to understand, which is caused by creating an us vs them concept, Social Darwinism, and …show more content…

Discrimination exists because everyone sees differences among others, once people learn to look at others as humans and not only see the differences between each other will the intolerance cease, not necessarily stop entirely. Even now society favors other over others because of race, political stance or religion. Specifically, the recent election split the general public and people treated each other differently based on their political view. When watching political ads or regular news channels people would criticize others based on qualifiers that may undermine their credibility because they didn’t share the same opinion. Everyone has differences which are what people target when they discriminate, and many of the solutions that are possible are only temporary. There are circumstances that require less intolerance, but everything comes to an

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