The Theories Of Language Learning

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Many theories of language learning are against the teaching of grammar for example the direct method of language learning does not emphasize the analysis of grammar rules and also abandon the use of translation between first and second (target) language. They exclusively focus on the target language and classes are taught in that language instead of the mother tongue or first language. In this method grammar used to be taught inductively. The other theory that is not in the favour of teaching the rules and structure of grammar is the natural way approach. In this theory or approach the main focus is on acquiring the second language through “comprehensible input” and the aim is to convey the message or to make understand the actual meaning to …show more content…

Many theorist believes and argue that grammar is not as much important for the learner who learns a second language as other think. They believe that vocabulary is the heart of any language instead of the grammar and also the learner acquire the language on their own rather to teach them properly and specifically. On the other hand researchers who support the idea of teaching grammar rules and structure talk about the importance of grammar and consider it to be the part of one’s success in the specific language. Communicative approach to grammar teaching proves very fruitful to the learners who learn the second language or the language other than mother tongue. Grammar rules and structure develops the communicative competence and the mastery of the target language in the learner. The constrains of this approach have been examined and also being suggested that grammar instructions should be balance in such a way that the usage of grammar forms rules and structure remains there as interesting as any other subject rather just getting bore of it like the proponents who are against this approach said that the teaching of grammar is really boring actually and learner pay no attention to it. In Pakistan it proves significant as English is our official language and thee is a need to learn it in any way either to get high profile job or to communicate with other people around the world. In today’s world business education system medical field and other professions do need more than one language to communicate around the

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