Relativistic Theory Of Quantum Mechanics

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Quantum mechanics is the theory, which establishes a way of a description and laws of motion of microparticles (the fundamental particles, atoms, molecules, atomic nuclei) and their systems, and also relations of the quantities, characterizing those particles and systems, with physical quantities, which are measured experimentally.
The quantum mechanics describes laws of motion of microparticles. However, as properties of macroscopic bodies are defined by motion and interaction of particles they consist of, the quantum mechanics is also applied to an explanation of many macroscopic phenomena. For example, the quantum mechanics helped to understand lots of properties of solid bodies, to sequentially explain such things as a ferromagnetism, a …show more content…

The nonrelativistic quantum mechanics (as well as the Newton’s classical mechanics) is finished and logically consistent fundamental physical theory. In contrast, the relativistic quantum mechanics is not so complete and free of contradictions. If in nonrelativistic area it is possible to consider that interaction is transferred instantly on distance, then in relativistic area it spreads with a finite speed, so there has to be an agent transferring interaction, i.e. the physical field. Difficulties of the relativistic theory are difficulties of a field theory, which are intrinsic to both the relativistic classical mechanics and relativistic quantum mechanics.
The relationship between the classical and quantum mechanics is defined by existence of the universal world constant - a Planck’s constant, which is also called a quantum of action. If physical quantities of action’s size are much greater than Planck’s constant, then classical mechanics is applied. Formally, this condition is the criterion for applicability of quantum …show more content…

Work of Heisenberg was further developed by Born and Jordan, which was a birth of matrix mechanics. Soon after emergence of a Schrodinger’s equation, equivalence of these two forms was proven.
Final formation of a quantum mechanics as a theory is due to work of Heisenberg of 1927 in which the principle, claiming that any physical system cannot be in a state where coordinates of its center of mass and an impulse are precise values at the same time, was formulated. This is now called "Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle".
The indeterminacy relation establishes that concepts of coordinate and an impulse in the classical sense cannot be applied to microscopic objects. No experiment can lead to a precise same time measurements of the dynamic variables entering an indeterminacy relation. In fact, indeterminacy in measurements is bound not to imperfection of measuring tools, but to objective properties of a microcosm.
Completion of creation of the quantum mechanics theory generated heated debates concerning interpretation of this theory as it significantly differs from classical

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