Importance Of Sociological Jurisprudence

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been seen as important determinants of the impact of law. Sociologists, too, are showing increasing interest in the legal process. Their studies have been concerned with the manner in which the population is affected by law in such areas as civil rights, poverty, and crime. Both professions have joined the anthropologists in studying the relationship between society and culture on the one hand and the nature and operation of legal institutions on the other. In addition, other professional groups -notably economists, social workers, clinical and social psychologists – are bringing out information thought to be of value in the formulation of legal policy. Above all, the legal profession has moved from a position of reluctant consumer of such …show more content…

Jerome Skolnick 's "The Sociology of Law in America: Overview and Trends" reviewed work that had been done and suggested directions toward which the field might aspire[J.H. Skolnick, …show more content…

The fourth school of jurisprudence, known as the Sociological Jurisprudence, tends to dominate all the other schools of jurisprudence. Though the Sociological School of Jurisprudence is but young in the domain of the Common Law yet perhaps somewhat older in the Civil Law, it has already won worthy adherents and is having its influence not only in the decisions of courts, but also in the output of legislative law itself [ E.A. Albertsworth, 1922)]. The main issues which sociological jurists are wish to address are to enable and to compel law-making, and also to develop the interpretation and application of legal rules so that it takes into consideration the social facts upon which law must proceed and to which it is to be applied[ K.A Ziegert, K. A. Fundamental Principles of the sociology of Law by Roscoe Pound -Eugene Erhlich (4th ed.). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, Rutgers. 2009]. More specifically, they insist upon six

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