Essay On Tissue Culture

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Introduction Tissue Culture also knowns as micropropagation is a biological method of research. This method uses fragments of tissue from an animal or a plant to be transferred into an artificial environment in which they can continue to survive and function. (Encyclopeadia Brititannica) In Plant Tissue Culture the artificial environment has a specific regimen of nutrients and hormones using agar as its growth medium. Such environments have light under sterile, invitro conditions to produce many new plants, each a clone of the original mother. This process happens over a very short period. This process is also a great significance in biological studies because of its wide application. It may be used for cloning purposes, genetic modification of a given plan or to accelerate or increase yield of the plant of interest. (Microscope Master) Before plants are moved from the laboratory to the greenhouses for acclimatization and further development, tissue culture must undergo three phases; the …show more content…

This is because calluses are composed of differentiated and non- differentiated cells. This type of culture requires a gel medium to sustain its growth. The gel, agar, has a mixture of macro and micro nutrients. Vitamins and basal salts mixtures are also used to enhance growth. (Microscope Master) Protoplast culture has been used directly on naked cells without cell walls also known as protoplast. This is a very important method that provides numerous single cells for different studies. The protoplasts are cultured in hanging-drop cultures, micro culture chambers and soft agar matrix. Once protoplasts had regenerated a cell wall which is the first phase observed. undergoing further cell division in the second phase may form a callus. This may then be a subculture for continued growth which would be the final phase observed in protoplast culture. (Microscope

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