
Title IX Advantages

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Before Title IX was passed, the classes that were offered in high school for girls to take were ones like cooking and sewing, while boys could take woodworking and metalworking classes. Schools were allowed to deny these girls the training in these fields that were considered inappropriate. Therefore, women trained primarily for low-wage jobs, such as health aides, cosmetologists and housewives.
The majority of women working in education taught in elementary and secondary schools. Those who did teach in colleges were primarily at women's colleges, usually weren't awarded tenure, and salaries that were earned were lower when given. Only a few women were hired in high-level administrative positions throughout all of educational institutions. …show more content…

There are more opportunities to compete at higher levels through competitions like the Olympics, World Championships and professional leagues. Even more importantly, we know that playing sports can help women become healthier. These health benefits for women and society alone should be reason to keep Title IX strong. Because of the women before me working hard for their rights to play and other opportunities, I know am able to play and participate in activities that I may not have because of their hard work. Because of this I am very grateful for my many opportunities. Schools can no longer legally shut doors to certain courses or training on the basis of sex. The law says girls must be free to pursue career training in courses like aviation, automotive repair, and architectural drafting, while boys can choose to pursue cooking, nursing, and cosmetology. Career training must be by choice and not by gender. School doors are opening to women faculty. Title IX has led to a higher number of female faculty members, especially at the lecturer, instructor and assistant professor levels. The wage gap has narrowed, and some women can finally be found in top administrative positions.

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