
To Kill A Mockingbird Critical Lens Essay

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To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on multiple significant ideas to highlight the main ideas of the novel. One of great magnitude is explained in chapter three of the novel when author Harper Lee simplifies the importance of being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to view each different perspective. “First of all,” he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folk. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” Be understanding, realize that honest mistakes happen as in the excerpt with Scout and Walter. As the text states. “She had learned not to hand something to a Cunningham, for one thing, But if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes we’d have seen it was an honest mistake on her part.” This quote helps the reader to understand that it is possible to learn from your mistakes; furthermore, no matter who you are, it is common courtesy to allow others the privilege of also learning and correcting their mistakes as well. There was not a way for Miss Caroline to know that she was doing anything wrong since that was her first day at a new school in a new town,; moreover, she had no idea of the mistake she was making. In this way she and Scout were alike. At this time …show more content…

Read with her father. In fact, in To Kill a Mockingbird Lee writes of Scout being gloom after the day’s events and tells of her reasoning, “No, sir,” I murmured, and made a final stand: “But if I keep going to school, we can’t ever read anymore…” Because Larry, the father of Scout, understands the importance of being able to survey the situation from all points of view, he made an accommodation that would keep everyone involved in the agreement. He, along with the rest of the county, made a similar compromise with the John family when seeing what they did to

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