To What Extent Was Chris Mccandless Justified In Into The Wild

522 Words3 Pages

Emily Edwards
Jan 11, 2023
Period 2nd Was Chris justified?

Would you ever abandon everyone and everything you have to live free? In Jon Krakaurer’s book, “into the wild ''. Chris McCandless cuts ties with his family and says farewell to friends as he destroys everything to his name. He then sets off west to rebuild a life in the wild leaving his family concerned about his well being and claiming his actions have been wrong. With the circumstances considered , Chris McCandless was justified in leaving his family without heads up because he simply wanted to be happy.

The first reason he was justified in his decision was that he should make his own choices and do what he enjoys doing. Chris had a passion for wilderness and nature, he loved spending time outdoors alone, and he liked to travel. On page 33 Chris wrote a letter to a guy named Wayne Westerberg saying; “The freedom and simple beauty of it is just too good to pass up”. Basically conveying he wouldn't change anything for his old lifestyle. While he was in the wild he didn’t have to see, hear, or be around his family. …show more content…

His Dad was abusive to him and his family, especially his mom. All his childhood trauma and events have bottled up inside and he doesn't want anything to do with his parents based on the neglect. On page 64 the letter to Carine says “i'm going to divorce them as my parents once and for all and never speak to either one of those idiots again as long as I live”. Chris has developed a hatred towards his parents and now that he knows they don’t know where he's at, he has a sort of satisfaction. He found who he