Too Much Dependence On Technology Essay

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For the past decade, our planet is constantly under great development, especially towards innovation and technology. But, what happens if we rely too much on our technology? Putting our minds to the great technology we have nowadays can easily break a person’s aptitude. Therefore, it is very important to not be too dependent on the materialistic world that we live in. Too much dependence on technology can lead to many problems. By setting technology as the main source of information, the younger generation will not be able to see the significance of books and encyclopedias. It is important that children resort to different sources to get information so that they have a wider range of knowledge of a specific topic, not only from one source. This enables children to be loaded with all kinds of knowledge that will be able to help them in the future. This includes; polishing skills, gaining new skills, knowing what-to-do and what-not-to-do in different types of sticky situations, which can contribute to the creative thinking of a child. Subsequently, it is important that we do not lean too much towards technology so that we are able …show more content…

This clearly shows that people nowadays cannot be away from their gadgets, not even for one minute of their lives. What does this imply to the current generation? It evidently shows that we care too much for our “life on the other side of the screen”. Applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr that enables young teenagers to immerse themselves in the world of social media. They would prioritise their profile and status on social media more, compared to their real life. Because of this, young children and teenagers forget how to interact or communicate with other people properly. The consequences; the teenagers lack in self-esteem and self-confidence, get shy easily, and become highly

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