
Tortilla Curtain Resilience Quotes

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Resilience can be shown in many different ways. In this story, specifically, the character that shows the most resilience is Mahindan. He shows it threw optimism, effort, compassion, and just having an understanding mindset. An Example of Mahindan showing resilience would be when he got put in jail away from his child. He was angry, but he kept an open mindset. He knew that the process of becoming an immigrant would take a while and that people were trying. His having an open mind wasn't the only thing he did. Mahindan showed resilience through action as well. Even after several court appearances of him showing that he is who he says to be, he still shows up to every court meeting with his papers sorted, and he openly fights for himself and his son to stay in Canada. "I must make the best of it" (Bala 176) was Mahindans response when he was told his …show more content…

When things got out of control, she always dug her feet in and stood her ground. Grace's way of taking control is by being strong and speaking with a strong tone leaving no room for negotiation. Resilience is what you need if you wanna be strong and hold power. Even when you are scared and want to give up, you need to stay strong and stick to your plan, and Grace resembles that flawlessly. Although her opinions and moments of power can be seen as rude and close-minded, having to voice those opinions can be hard. There have been moments when Grace could have shown that she has another side but stood strong. An example of this was when Grace learned a girl had been raped. Instead of being scared and showing weakness, she keeps the courtroom going and stays with a strong voice. "Grace wanted to put her fingers in her ears and order the woman to stop talking. She had asked the question, but now she didn't want to hear anymore." (Bala 158). This paragraph showed exactly that Grace had emotions and was caught off guard. She still maintained composure and continued with the

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