Review Of A Literature Review Essay

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“A literature review is a critical and in-depth evaluation of previous research. It is a summary and synopsis of a particular area of research, allowing anybody reading the paper to establish why you are pursuing this particular research program,”(explorable, 2009). Researchers often conduct a literature review for an evaluation of what accredited scholars have written on a topic and also to convey to readers what knowledge and ideas they already have on the topic. This literature review, will merely review literatures relating the impact of trade facilitation on an economy and trade facilitation in Jamaica. Trade facilitation is known to be the largest contributor to a country, Juan Jose is of the view that trade facilitation is of importance …show more content…

Trade liberalization as to deal with the removal of barriers to trade between neighbouring countries, (Pettinger,2017). Bergin and Glick (2005) when on further to say trade liberalization as assist many developed countries in sustaining economic growth and open markets to trade investment, which allows countries to have a comparative advantage. Paul A Samuelson (2003) argued that trade liberalization should be balance as it can be damaging to both the economy of developed and developing countries. Paul Samuelson (2003), outlined that one major problem that is cause by trade liberalization is the exploitation of natural resources, wood and coal are known to be important in within the line of production and so countries such as the United States and Japan avoid using their own resources as they can get it at a cheaper cost from developing countries, this is not good as the developing countries might suffer from scarcity of resources within the future. The event of scarcity will affect economic growth as local companies will not have enough resources to produce their goods which could also increase trade cost and transport cost, (UK essay

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