Essay On Getai Culture

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Traditional culture is not historically same to the past. English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1871) stated in his book that culture is a complicated whole that comprises knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society. Culture is always changing and can disappear easily. In Singapore, the cultural traditions are changing as Singapore developed into a more westernized country. In the past, opera was held as an entertainment of the Hungry Ghost Festival. However, Getai, that only emerged during the Japanese occupation, replaced opera and there was little resistance from the older people in the previous generations.

Nowadays, there are fewer younger people watching …show more content…

This successful musical film influenced many younger people to enjoy watching Getai, thus, becoming a part of the bigger community. Many new innovations are being brought to Getai performance to change it to a modernized industry. It has definitely improved from a simple basic stage to an expensively lavished stage with better sound systems and fanciful LED lights. Social media has also played a big part in attracting more audiences to watch Getai. Many Getai organizers use social media platform such as Facebook to inform people of the schedules of the performances. These caused many changes to the Getai culture as they become more modernized and technology savvy.

The declining number of younger people watching traditional cultural performances is partially due to the increasing cultural exchanges across the globe. The younger generations have relieved themselves of such consciousness, which resulted in fewer younger people who are interesting and willing to spend time on watching these traditional musical performances The increasing flow among the Asian countries result in an increasing number of people who are undergoing many different forms of cultural homogeneity across different

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