Hybrid Regime Essay

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Introduction The Following essay will be an attempt to the Trajectory of the emergence of Hybrid regimes in developing countries. Zimbabwe will be used as a case study, in the context of its post colonial history. They essay will define hybrid regimes through the context of democracy and authoritarianism. Furthermore, the essay will try to consolidate, through debate, they way in which the taxonomy of regimes and how they are conceptualized. This will be followed by a post colonial historical back ground of Zimbabwe as well as an analysis of the emergence of its hybrid regime outlook. The overarching argument of the essay, is for the case of the fragility of democracy and how it creates the problem of hybridity through the critique of its ideal form. Definitions Regime refers to the government that presides over a country. The etymological derivative of the term is “regimen” which translates from Latin to English as “to rule” Pertinent to the …show more content…

However, the fragility of this classification is exposed in the fact that it does not take much to violate democracy, therefore raising a question on the extent to which democracy is a sustainable system, especially when the law can be manipulated or even ignored by the voices of those in Majority parties. Basic freedoms may be violated; however, the cost of freedom is determined by the articulation of the government with the state. Moreover, the existence of constitutions as absolute constructs of the state, make it impossible for ideas, such as democracy to be flexible in the way it operates, therefore, leading to the development of subsequent concept that don’t fit the absolute criteria of the violation, of democracy, further, creating overarching conceptualizations such as Hybrid systems as a middle ground between two

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