Translation Document Into Indonesian

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study In this globalization era, English has become the international language that plays a great part in the business world. Many documents or references of companies are written in English. However, as the company operates in Indonesia, absolutely they should have the Indonesian version document. This is why there is a translation document into Indonesian in order to let all users to understand the document easier. The main job of the translator is to create the source language and the target language can interact well one another (Farahzad in Natalia Chandra, 2006). Larson (1984) said that translation should communicate as much as possible, deliver the similar meaning of the source language, using …show more content…

According to Pienkos (2003, p. 388), a translator needs accuracy, diligence, good ability to handle the stress and also excellent memory to do the translation. However, many people think lightly about translation. They think that translation is just change words and sentences from one language into another language. Practically, a translator should have enough knowledge about the concept and the structure of the source language and the target language so they can change it in the equivalent meaning in the target language. Koller (1995, p. 196) said that a translation is the process of transposing the source language to the target language which has a relationship which is defined as equivalence relation. Unlike general English translation, translating legal English document is much more difficult because it is not just about transferring one language into another, but also finding the equivalent legal translation in the target language. In this case, a translator plays a great role to the success and failure of the translation. If a translator does not give enough attention to the context and the background of the text, it will result an ambiguous translation or even bias meanings. The failure mostly occurs in translating legal terms is mainly caused by non-equivalence or incongruity between SL and TL (Biel, …show more content…

Translating HR documents from English into Indonesian is not a simple job; it relatively more challenging for the translators. There are many Human Resource terminologies that need extra concentration and comprehension in order to find the accurate translation result in Indonesian. Basically Human Resource policy is a document that rules the recruitment process, the facility of the employee, until the termination process. In this case, the translator should comprehend the terms of human resource law and the other related

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