Traumatic Experiences That Children Faced In Persepolis And Long Way Down

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In “Long Way Down” by Ryan Reynolds, Will the main character learns that having a different perspective and experiencing traumatic events can force you to grow up. There are times when children go through trials in their life to prepare for a loss of innocence and the gaining of knowledge. This is when every child has a better understanding of reality and what’s around them. In the book Will says “People always love people more when they're dead.” This refers to how coming of age is understanding and acknowledging how the world works and how people think.

Like Marji in “Persepolis” and Will in “Long Way Down” they faced the reality of the world when impacted heavily with what happened around them. When I witnessed the live death of an innocent person my whole perspective on the world changed. I knew I would never be the same after seeing the horrible truths of the world we live in today. That experience changed me and caused me to no longer have my innocence of thinking the world is peaceful and happy. While having to go through that traumatic experience it was an important part of me growing up and becoming who I am today to understand what it means to come of age. …show more content…

Marji is in the process of losing her innocence and becoming an adult but she still doesn't fully understand certain aspects in life and why certain things can or cannot be said or done, understanding these topics in life is a part of coming of age and growing into

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