
Treblinka Gas Chamber Analysis

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In the poem “Treblinka Gas Chamber”, by Phyllis Webb and in the TRC’s “The History”, both texts share a common theme of inhumane treatment towards children within certain cultural and ethnical groups. While the two authors explore distinct historical contexts, both texts are centred on racial segregation with nationalistic motives. Phyllis Webb appeals to a logos strategy through the use of allusion. In her poem, “Treblinka Gas Chamber”, Webb presents fictional and historical examples to display her knowledge and establish her credibility. For this reason, Webb alludes to the Greek God Thanatos and the king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah: David. The essence of her reference is to capture the reader’s attention and encourage deeper …show more content…

The lack of counter arguments does not constitute a problem; rather, it creates an effect of harmony of the universal disapproval of crimes against humanity. The poem “Treblinka Gas Chamber” by Phyllis Webb is a snapshot of the horrors of genocide of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, describing children’s experiences to evoke a stronger emotional reaction. Similarly, the TRC’s “The History” explores the cultural genocide of Indigenous people in Canada as well as the barbaric treatment of children from the ‘superior’ race. The TRC’s “The History” author appeals to logos through the use quantitative findings. The use of logical evidence from the collection of testimonials made by former residential school students is an effective way to aid the persuasion of a reader. Throughout “The History”, the author describes the memories of known First Nations peoples Frederic Ernest Koe, Marlene Kayseas, Lily Bruce and many others. In addition, the author quotes Vitaline Elsie Jenner’s use of ‘kaya nakasin’ (TRC, 2015, p.38) in describing her experience with residential school. The author’s example that contains the use native language reaffirms his credibility and detailed knowledge of the

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