Factors Affecting Children's Cogitative Development

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It is a known fact that television plays a huge role in society today. Everybody watches tv, and it's not limkted to children. In many cases tv has become a form of parenting, too tired or busy to look after the little one just plop him/her in front of the tv. You may believe you're not doing any harm but buying some time to get work done unfortunately those actions are causing more harm to that child then you think. In the following paragraphs I will list three reasons why and explain the consequences on the child's cogitative development, learning skills and social skills.
First, let's take a look at what effects it has on a child's cogitative development. Cogitative development is defined as the way thinking and understanding changes and …show more content…

This view involves changes in mental hardware and in mental software. It's understood that infants use habituation to filter unimportant stimuli. Compared with older children, preschoolers are less able to pay attention to task-relevant information. Their attention can be improved by, for example, encouraging their pretend play. Instead of placing them in front of a television. Babies are capable of many forms of learning, including classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and imitation. (Life Span: Human Development) The behaviorists viewpoint is that children learn to speak from imitating the words and sentences heard from the adults around them, mainly their parents/caretakers. This theory is especially associated with B.F.Skinner (1957) who believes that language has a string tie with human behaviour "If we do something and it has positive, pleasurable consequences, we are more likely to do it again; if it has unpleasant consequences, we are less likely to repeat the action."(Simply Psychology) This theory is connects into how tv watching affects a child's social interactions. It's known that children are programmed to learn from interacting with other people They constantly want to make sense of their experience and, in the process, construct their understanding of the world and television is the least interactive way of interaction. When social skills are limited, they put children at …show more content…

Unforunately, the opportunity of language through social interaction greatly hindered due to tv because they are engaged in a type of one way conversation with the television. It is important to have one on interaction with children because their vocabulary is stimulated by experience. Parents can enciurage the growth of vocabulary by speaking with children and reading to them. The social-interaction perspective emphasizes social interactions with adults in which both adult and baby want improved communication.
We must remember that TV can never be a substitute parent or replace playtime or family time. It is important to have one on one interactions with your child and to do activities that will stimulate their minds and encourage them to explore their

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