Two Friends And The Interlopers Short Story

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Two Friends and The Interlopers

The story two friends has two characters called Monsieur Sauvage and Morissot. The only reference on their physical appearance is that Morissot was higher and they were old. Both live in Paris and apparently, they only had each other as the closest person, before the war Morissot was a watchmaker and Sauvage a tailor. The interlopers has two characters called Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym, The von Gradwitzs ' and the Znaeyms ' are families who have despised each other for ages. Ulrich von Gradwitz has inherited the family 's land that Georg Znaeym 's family illegally poaches on.

The theme of two friends would be friendship and war. Both characters have been friends for years and they enjoy fishing together, despite the war conflicts were present at that moment, they still do it because it was their time spent together. The conflicts of war caused that they were captured, and their life depended on a password of which they had no idea. They were not soldiers or spies but because of the war anyone could be, in the last moments of their life, their last words were farewell to each other. The theme the interlopers would be that …show more content…

On the two friends, the place of history is in France around the eighteen hundred. The social conditions were that there was a war conflict over the country 's invasion of the Prussians. The mood was changeable, at first it was calm and passive and when they were captured it was tense and dramatic. On the interlopers the story takes place on a forest of mixed growth on the eastern spurs of the Karthopathians. An specific time is no mention,the weather is a "wind-scourged winter night" that causes "unrest among the creatures that were wont to sleep through the dark hours, conditions that contribute for them to suffer the punishment of the forest. The mood was gloomy and suspense,It is a dark and gloomy night where there are two men with hearts filled with hatred and and a mutual desire to kill each

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