Types Of Intrapersonal Communication

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Communicating can be the most complex thing we ever do. It can be very easy at times, but it can also be very difficult. We often take it for granted as it commonly used, however sometimes we lack confidence in it. There are many variations and things to consider when communicating. Most of the time it takes two or more to communicate. One must know who they are communicating with to have any effectiveness. In other words when you know your audience whether they are; a group of children, an elder, a few people visiting for another country, or even a deaf person, you must convey in a specific context that can be understood.

Intrapersonal communicating is the most common type of communicating we do. This type is special, meaning that it is …show more content…

It can be very easy at times, but it can also be very difficult. We often take it for granted as it commonly used, however sometimes we lack confidence in it. There are many variations and things to consider when communicating. Most of the time it takes two or more to communicate. One must know who they are communicating with to have any effectiveness. In other words when you know your audience whether they are; a group of children, an elder, a few people visiting for another country, or even a deaf person, you must convey in a specific context that can be …show more content…

This type is special, meaning that it is ourself that is the speaker and the audience. We speak to ourselves all day and everyday. It’s the conversation, debate, decision-making process, encouragement, etc. we have with our self. Some may call it the voice in your head, the little devil or angel on your shoulders, the voice of a special person from one’s past, God conversing with you, or simply your own thoughts. As stated in Scott McLean’s textbook, Business Communication for Success, “…the voice within you that tells you, ‘Keep on Going! I can DO IT!’ when you are putting your all into completing a five-mile race; or that says, ‘This report I’ve written is pretty good.’… your intrapersonal communication can be positive or negative, and directly influence how you perceive and react to situations and communication with others” (2010)

Interpersonal communication is the second most common type. This is when you are actually communicating with another being. This can be formal or non-formal, such as in a business interview or having dinner with your spouse. Usually, there is common ground with the other person already and that is what brought you

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