During the Civil War there were many differences besides slavery. This war had the most American deaths than all of the wars the U.S. has been in combined! The south seceded from the north for slavery and other less important reasons. The North had more of nearly everything like navy, soldiers,horses, and food, while the south had slaves, cotton, and donkeys/mules. Throughout the war many great leaders rose and fell, battles fought, and great and terrible outcomes.
The union had more railroads, horses, food, and supplies to fight with in this war. With the lack of railroads that the south had, they weren’t able to transport their supplies to the soldiers during the war. Since the north had many railroads, they were able to transport
Many years after the American Revolution, conflicts between two halfs of the United States resulted in 620,000 casualties, which was roughly 2% of the population at the time. “The Civil War was America’s bloodiest
“The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.” It 's a quote from U.S. Grant referring to the Battle of Shiloh.
The Civil War maintained the union and freed the slaves. Reconstruction excluded the political focus on certain areas. However slaves were freed. They gained civil liberties and lost long term racial action. The union needed to effectively bring the south back to position, and the interest in the economy.
Though the south still had farming, and had joined the union, the south never bounced back to its former self after being decimated in the Civil War. The entire face of the southern economic system changed and their infrastructure was left in ruins after the battles. However before the start of the Civil War, there was a rush of southern pride throughout the south. Many southern residents had a fierce loyalty to their way of life and would die defending it. Thus being one of the main factors in the Civil War.
The North had many advantages over the South the helped them win the civil war. These reasons included a central leadership, more resources, and recruiting black men for their armies. These reasons helped the North win the civil war and play a big part in how successful they would be. With having advantages, better tactics when fighting, and also a higher population, the North would use strategic planning to fight the South and ultimately win the civil war.
As the Civil War began each both sides possessed significant strengths and weaknesses. The Union with a population of 22 million,
Nick Baxter What caused the Civil War? DBQ The Civil War was caused by three main reasons are economic differences, interpretation of Constitution, and moral beliefs. The North and the South were very different economically.
I think that the greatest advantage that the north had was the numbers and the industrialization. If the south had the same access to the industrialization that the north had as well as the amount of people then I that there could have been a different outcome to the war. The south knew the topography and the weather conditions of the land where the battles were being fought. If they were able to employ the same type of force like the north had they would have had a better chance at winning the war. But since they did not see the point in taking the industrialization as serious as the north did since they were making such good profits from agriculture in my opinion they did not have a good chance at winning the war from the
One, in particular, would be the North’s abundance of soldiers. Edwin C. Bearss claims, “The South lost the Civil War because of a number of factors. It was inherently weaker in the various essentials to win a military victory in the North. The north had a population of more than twenty-two million people to the South’s nine and a half million of whom four and a half million were slaves”. With the North having more people to go to war with, it was clear their army would be able to defeat the South.
The North had many advantages. They beat the South in population they could draw soldiers from. The North had 22 million citizens where the South only had 5.5 million citizens. The North could transport supplies and people faster because of their roads, canals, and railroads. However the South disconnected from itself with barely any railroads and hard to move soldiers and goods from place to place.
The Civil War war the deadliest in American history, due to poor hospitals, lack of resources, and the fighting between the north and south. Bad hospitality was one of many reason why the Civil War was the deadliest in American history. The medication they needed to help fight off infections and illnesses were running low. With a estimated amount of 150,000 deaths per year which equals to 620,000 deaths in total by the end of the Civil War. It was breathtaking how the lack of resources in the Civil War.
After four long years, the Unions won the war which saw to it that both parties ended up as a united nation once again. The North overpowered and defeated the South due to a number of reasons as illustrate below. To begin with, the fact that the South majored in agriculture made them to be left behind in terms of industrialization, an important factor during the civil war since fabricated merchandise was highly regarded than agricultural products. The North was therefore privileged to be in a better position in production of armory since it was able to host firms that manufactured ammunitions and war locomotives. The South was poorer, since cotton was no longer making ready income and they only had a few manufacturing origins.
The Civil War The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history with over 600000 American deaths reported. This war was fought to keep the Confederate States from leaving the Union. The Union won because they had a telegraph system and had more resources. The effect of the Union victory has had a large impact on society.