
Unit 2 American War Essay Questions And Answers

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Jared Swilling
March 7, 2018
US History To 1877
Mr. Cross
Unit 2 Essay Exam
1) Chapter 5: The Problem of Empire
How did the Great War for Empire change the relationship between England and its American Colonies?
The Great War, 7 Years War, or The French and Indian War. The Great War took place in the years of 1756-1763. In the Great War the British Ministry would no longer let the other colonies manage their own affairs, they contented themselves to minimal oversight of the Atlantic trade. A few economic consisted of: cheap land, religious tolerance, economic opportunities, and the chance of self-rule. One of the economic views were merchantilism, the belief of profitable trade. However, William Pitt drove the French out and made Great Britain …show more content…

Until September 3, 1783. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated to pay back pre-revolution debts in return for Indian and eastern land. Britain thought America owed them, so they levied numerous taxes to control American commerce, trading, and manufacturing goods. After of the events caused by The Great War, 7 Years War, numerous Americans resented and were scared of being ruled by the wealthier, and not fair families, or elites. Many citizens, people, relied on John Locke who said, “Consent of the governed,” and “Natural Rights equal life, liberty, and property.” Eventually the Monarchy Republicanism is the political view that took over how the nations were ruled. During the Great War two of the greatest military commanders were James Wolfe, of the British, and Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Gozon, also known as Marquis de Saint-Veran, but went by Marquis de Montcalm, of the French. James Wolfe was a British Army Officer During the Great War. Also, British Army Officer James Wolfe died during the Great War, on September 13, 1759. Marquis de Montcalm, was a French solider, better known as the commander of the forces in North America during the 7 Years War. Also, during the 7 Years War …show more content…

The New Jersey Plan was in favor of small states and wanted a unicameral legislature and all states to have equal representation. The Connecticut Compromise, also known as The Great Compromise, or Sherman’s Compromise, was reach during the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787,it was an agreement between two earlier proposals which solved the issue it called for a bicameral legislature with the upper chamber, called the Senate, determined by equal representation, and the lower chamber, called the House of Representatives, determined by the population of each state; it combined both interests. The Great Compromise was proposed to address the feelings from the smaller states that their interest would be drawn out by the larger states. However, the Three Fifths Compromise proposed by Judge James Wilson, and Roger Sherman. The Three Fifths Compromise is three out of every five slaves would be counted for taxes and population. Therefore, slaves are to be counted as three fifths vote for representation, because slaves made up a large portion of the population in the southern states. Therefore, the south wanted the slaves to count as part of the population so that they would have more power in the house of representatives. The north did not want the slaves to count as part of the population because they did not want the north to have

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